Natural, healthy human feet have toes that spread apart and don’t touch each other. – we call them “Wild Toes”
Footwear as it exists today is a big problem. Shoes are designed to taper into a point at the toes which is the opposite of how are feet are shaped. The widest part of a babies foot is the tip of their toes and this should also be the widest part of adult human feet. When you spend time in shoes that taper into a point, your feet start to adopt that shape and before you know it you have bunions that are getting out of control.
TFC Wild toes are a simple, affordable accessory that you can use to reclaim optimal toe alignment. Think of them like braces for your feet that help restore your toe alignment to its natural state.
TFC Wild Toes are made of 100% silicone and won’t irritate anyone with a latex allergy.
For more information on Wild Toes click the link below
For any wholesale inquiries for purchases over 50 Units
Please email us at [email protected]